SDC Finance

No society can function without the means sufficient to attain its purposes and goals. Although the Church’s ultimate purpose transcends both the material world and its history, still, it is very much part of them. Personnel and resources are necessary for the gospel to be proclaimed and the sacraments to be celebrated. Among these resources are possessions, including income and often property, and the freedom to employ these properly for the purposes of the Church (Myers, John J. The Code of Canon Law: A Text and Commentary).


Lumen Gentium, The Light of the World, in speaking of the Church, helps place the role of finances in proper context: …between all the various parts of the Church there is a bond of intimate communion whereby spiritual riches, apostolic works and temporal resources are shared. For the members of the People of God are called upon to share their goods… according to the gift that each has received …as good stewards of the manifold grace of God (1 Peter 4 : 10).


financial report

reporte financiero


If you have any questions, please contact the Business Manager

Shirley Burgos


Alternate Phone  (949) 951-8599 ext. 224

2022-2023: Financial Report